Sunday, February 28, 2016

Motivation Mondays!

      Photo Credit:                        

In this blog, Mondays will be dedicated to motivation. Sometimes we all need a boost. We need words of inspiration from people we admire, or strive to imitate. Our first quote is from Thomas Edison:

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”
Thomas Edison

It is tough to go to school, earn the grades it takes to graduate, and perform in work. Mr. Edison makes an excellent point by telling you not to give up. Giving up is the biggest disservice you can do for yourself.

You can do this!

Sometimes it feels like too much. There are many severely overwhelmed non-traditional students and their lives can be overcome with anxiety. It is important to remember there are resources that can help you!

IU South Bend has a Counseling Center available to all students and faculty.  In the Counseling Center, there are many professionals there to speak with in confidence about any and all issues you may be having. They aid in depression, anxiety, time management (which is a big one for non-traditionals), and much more.

In addition to the resources at school, it is important to surround yourself with people who inspire you to keep pushing through. I have had friends and acquaintances that have tried to distract me from my goals. It is easy to let your friends convince you to go out for drinks rather than finish a paper due the next day. At some point it becomes easier to rid the negative influences on your plan and the bigger picture becomes more important.

Until then, keep your head up! Things are never as bad as they seem. If life becomes unmanageable, there are resources out there to help you through it. And remember, if this whole college thing were easy, everyone would be doing it. The fact that you are going to school, working, raising your children, and doing everything else you do is incredible, and you should be proud.

  Motivation can come from everywhere – you just have to recognize it.


  1. I really like the idea of Motivational Monday, especially with how it feels like winter is dragging on forever and everyone is extremely sick. While I know that spring is just around the corner, my motivation levels are dangerously low concerning schoolwork. As a result, I have been listening to a lot of music which is where I usually find the most inspiring quotes. What type of quotes do you find to be the most inspirational, the ones from influential people or ones that simply convey a great message?

    1. Sadie,

      Thank you for your comment!
      In response to your question, I would say I get my inspiration from a little bit of both places. I have found in choosing quotes from people that you really have to check the credibility of the person. Just because someone said one inspiring thing, does not make them a good person! You really have to do your homework on what kind of people are saying the chosen quotes.
